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30ml Organic Lavender pre-shave oil

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As a pre-shave oil, you use this prior to shaving. So all the natural oils and their helpful properties absorb into your skin before the razor ever touches your skin. The addition of tea tree oil in the pre-shave means your skin, including all those micro-cuts you gather from shaving, will have natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal supports to keep your skin in good health. With witch hazel acting as an astringent to help prevent razor burn and even helping inflammation caused by bug bites, and yarrow aiming to treat and help heal those pesky razor nicks and irritation, this pre-shave is packed with great vitamins and protective, healing ingredients. Just rub into your chosen area 30 seconds to 1 minute prior to shaving, and whether you choose to raw shave or use soap or cream, your skin will be feeling silky soft and ready to feel clean sheets.

-Any skin being shaved (legs, arms, faces (hey guys!), and even more sensitive areas).

-Please do not eat, it is only meant for topical use. It won’t even taste good, and remember everyone, for external use only.

-Contains 30ml of Omnific Flower Pre-Shave Oil recipe.

Our “Super Extensive” List of Ingredients


We actually use all certified organic and natural ingredients, no use of pesticides, and easily spoken ingredients (it’s yar-row, by the way).

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